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Aerogel Insulation Blanket felt CNC Cutting Machine

Views: 286     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-06-18      Origin: Site

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Applications of Aerogel felts

As a new kind of thermal insulation material, aerogel felts have the characteristics of soft, low density, fire prevention, green environmental protection, and so on. Mainly used in building insulation, aerospace thermal protection, and even new energy vehicle battery insulation protection. It can completely replace traditional insulation materials such as glass fiber felt and asbestos insulation felt, which are not environmentally friendly.

The traditional cutting method of Aerogel felts

The traditional methods of cutting aerogel felts are mainly die cutting and laser cutting.

The biggest disadvantages of die cutting are that the cutting shape is limited by the mold, the mold production cost is too high, it is not suitable for loose orders, and it is only suitable for the production of a large number of single-specification products.

Although laser cutting is free of mold restrictions, the cutting speed is slow, and the edge of the finished product will be burnt by the laser and discolored, which greatly reduces the beauty rate of the product.

Advantage of aerogel cutting machine

The aerogel felt cutting machine can select oscillating tools or pneumatic tools to cut according to the thickness and density of the material.

The advantages of comparing laser cutting machines mainly lie in the following points:

1. Higher cutting efficiency, cutting speed is faster than laser machine. Benefit from high-frequency vibration cutting technology. so the felt cutting machine will increase the cutting speed efficiently.


2. More perfect cutting effect, this blanket cutting machine uses an oscillation knife blade to cut, the edges are more orderly, and it will not be burned and discolored.

3. There are no mold restrictions. The insulation felt cutting machine is a CNC cutting machine, any shape of any size of the drawing can be cut.

4. Lower cost inputs and lower maintenance costs. The aerogel blanket cutting machine does not require much maintenance, just simple works like lubrication.

5. Supports automatic loading and unloading system, reducing manual intervention and improving production efficiency. When cutting very long size graphics can also be fed continuous cutting.


Jinan Shilai Technology Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in the R&D and production of oscillating knife cutting machines.

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