Specializes in the R&D and production of CNC oscillating knife cutting machines
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Best Oscillating Knife CNC Digital Cutting Machine

Views: 284     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-05-22      Origin: Site

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Oscillating Knife CNC Digital Cutting Machine

The work theory of the oscillating knife cutting machine is the blade vibrates up and down in high frequency. It's similar to the reciprocating motion of the saw blade, but this blade has no teeth. meanwhile, the control system drives the blade to move and cut the material.

The digital knife cutting machine cuts materials using the vibration movement of the blade. The vibration frequency is more than 10,000 / minute. This high-frequency vibration enables the blade to cut materials quickly and meanwhile reduce damage to the material. During the cutting process, the blade moves along a preset path to achieve precise cutting of the material.

The working principle of the vibration knife cutting machine gives it the following advantages:

• Fast speed: The blade vibrates up and down at a high frequency. It makes the cutting force in both vertical and horizontal directions. This reduces the cutting resistance and improves cutting speed.

• High accuracy: The CNC knife cutting machine uses servo motors and drivers, high-precision guide rails and racks, so the cutting accuracy is very high.

• Wide applications: The CNC oscillating cutting machine can cut a variety of materials, including metals, non-metals, flexible materials, etc.

• Environmentally friendly and pollution-free: Compared with other cutting methods such as laser cutting, the vibration knife cutting machine does not produce harmful gases and dust during the cutting process and does not pollute the environment.

There may be some differences between different types of vibration knife cutting machines, but their basic working principles are similar.

Jinan Shilai Technology Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in the R&D and production of oscillating knife cutting machines.

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