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Cardboard Carton Box CNC Cutter Machine

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Cardboard Carton Box CNC Cutter Machine

Cardboard packaging is an environmentally friendly modern packaging that dominates all types of packaging.

Since cardboard is lightweight, Lightweight packaging makes the product easier to transport.

Cardboard has good structure, low price, and good quality.

Tools of cardboard cutting machine

We recommend the cardboard cutting machine. The precision of the digital cutting machine is sufficient to process high quality cardboard.

1. Vibrating knife. Fast and precise cutting with perfect edging.

2. Creasing tool: The cardboard cutter machine has a set of crease wheels of different widths for folding cartons, corrugated, plastic, etc.


3. V-cut tool: The carton box cutting machine has a V-shaped knife and cuts V-shaped grooves on the thick cardboard. The V-shaped tool can be set to 5 different angles (0°, 15°, 22.5°, 30°, 45°) for cutting.

If you want to cut heavy and thick corrugated cardboard, the V-knife can cut at a 45 degree Angle.


If you want to cut the printed cardboard box, you can add a CCD camera. It will cut out the layout of the printed image on the cardboard.

How about after-sales service?

1. We offer a two years warranty for the cardboard cutter machine.

2. Operation manual and videos are available for the carton box cutter machine.

3. Online face to face training is available for the cardboard box cutter machine. Our engineers can speak English.

4. 24 hours of technical support is available for the cardboard box cutting machine.

5. We will carefully check and test the cardboard die cutting machine before shipment.

If you would like to customize the cardboard cutting machine, please contact our sales staff and let us know your requirements.

Please tell us the material, thickness and size of your raw material. and the products you want to make.

Looking forward to cooperating with you!

Jinan Shilai Technology Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in the R&D and production of oscillating knife cutting machines.

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 Tel:  +86-15550428794
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 Email:  czcnc@changzhoucnc.com
  QQ:  770755720
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