Specializes in the R&D and production of CNC oscillating knife cutting machines
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Cardboard Carton Box Cutting Machine

Views: 291     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2018-10-22      Origin: Site

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Cardboard boxes are the most common in our lives, we usually use cardboard boxes to store and park items. Our cardboard cutting machine is widely used to cut and make cardboard, gift box, cardboard display and etc.

box cutting machine

box cutting machine

box cutting machine

box cutting machine

box cutting machine

Let me introduce to you the cardboard box cutting machine

How is a cardboard carton cutting machine made?

Made with a Oscillating knife cutting machine.

Oscillating knife cutting machine cutting cartons.

box cutting machine

Oscillating knife cutting machine does not make knife molds, cut by yourself according to CAD drawings. Oscillating knife cutting machine is a CNC cutting machine, set parameters, creasing and cutting are done automatically.

box cutting machine

Suitable for small batch production and customized proofing.

The Oscillating knife cutting machine is equipped with two working heads: a crease wheel and a cutting head.

The knife cutting head can cut cardboard and paper box, honeycomb cardboard, corrugated cardboard, gray cardboard, PP cardboard, etc.

Creasing wheel: paperboard cutting machine has creasing wheels to press folding lines on cardboard.

Carton cutting machine

Carton cutting machine

Carton cutting machine

Carton cutting machine

Carton cutting machine

Carton cutting machine

The cardboard carton cutting machine starts from the first step to the end. The whole process can be completed in a few minutes.

So if you also need the carton box sample cutting machine, you can just tell me the material you want to process and your cutting requirement, we will recommend you the most suitable cutting solutions.

The cardboard box cutting machine is a newly designed carton box sample making system, the cardboard knife cutting machine has perfect work, high cut speed, and cut Precision, and it's easy to operate.

Cardboard cutter machine makes cutting, creasing, degree cutting, and tracing edge cutting available in one machine. It could meet sample making or small batch produce of packing company.

We are a model professional company integrating manufacturing, R&D, and marketing. Our company has successfully developed laser machine and CNC engraving machines, CNC cutting machines, etc., which are used in many fields and have won a good reputation in the market, and we enjoy a good reputation in the packaging market.

We are a CNC cutting machine manufacturer with very good quality in China. We can bring you the best CNC cutting machine, low price, best quality, if you have any need in the near future, please contact us.

Jinan Shilai Technology Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in the R&D and production of oscillating knife cutting machines.

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