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Cardboard Carton Box Flatbed Digital Cutter Machine

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Cardboard Carton Box Flatbed Digital Cutter Machine

Application of carboard cutting machine

CNC cutting machine is widely used in cartons, gift boxes, cardboard display cases, cardboard models, packaging, printing, die-cutting, gasket, signage, leather, textile, foam, rubber, and other industries.


The most common cutting materials in the cardboard box industry are cardboard, corrugated cardboard, and honeycomb cardboard. What are their advantages?

1. Wide range of applications. Corrugated cardboard can be used to make various sizes of cardboard boxes, art, furniture, and so on. It is widely used in construction, furniture, transportation, and packaging industries.

2. Good mechanical properties. Paperboard has a certain strength, stiffness, and mechanical adaptability; the paper also has certain foldability, elasticity tearing, etc., which is suitable for making molding packaging containers or wrapping.

3. Environmental protection. Waste can be recycled, no white pollution.

4. Good buffer performance. A corrugated cardboard structure of 60 to 70% of the volume is empty, this special structure gives it good shock absorption performance and can avoid packaged goods by collision and impact.

Advantages of carton box cutting machine

1. High precision.

Our CNC cutting machine is controlled by a computer. The human error of manual cutting is avoided, and the precision is higher.

The Servo motor and driver are imported from Japan. Fast working speed and high precision.

The cardboard cutting machine adopts a steel pipe welding body. Age treatment of the fuselage, high precision.

2. High efficiency.

Automatic CNC cutting simplifies the production process. Upload CAD files to the machine. Any shape, any design will become a product in a short time. The carton cutting machine can meet the proofing or small batch products of packaging companies.

Simplify the production process, shorten the working cycle, improve the production efficiency.


3. Versatility.

CNC cutting machines can handle a variety of materials of different thicknesses. It can be cut, indentation, V-groove cutting, marking, positioning position cutting, etc.

carton cutting machine

4. Can be customized.

The machine can be customized according to your actual production needs to achieve personalized production.

Jinan Shilai Technology Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in the R&D and production of oscillating knife cutting machines.

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