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CNC Cutting Machine For Fiberglass And Carbon Fiber

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Prepreg cutting machine roles

Due to their intrinsic properties, composite materials prove very suitable for use in modern engineering fields such as aerospace, automobile, shipping, electronics, and many others. The processing of composite material has always been a challenging area, which has found an efficient and precise solution with the use of prepreg cutting machines.

carbon fibers, fiberglass, and prepregs all are great in strength, hardness, and densities, and at the same time poor in processability. During processing, the following common defects are found in composites: delamination, tearing, fiber pull-out, etc. Traditional cutting tools may damage the material's internal structure and affect its performance.

Work principle of carbon fiber cutting machine

The prepregs cutting machine is a machine that cuts with a very sharp blade that works on high-frequency vibrations instead of simple cutting techniques. The blade can be driven by a special motor so that it will vibrate at high frequencies or rotate fast. During cutting operations, the movements can help avoid more friction of the blade with composite material lessening the effort to reduce cutting. Moreover, it can also increase the cutting speed.


Advantages of fiberglass cutting machine

High cutting accuracy

For some composite parts with extremely high dimensional accuracy requirements, such as wing skins in the aerospace field and precision substrates of electronic equipment, the fiberglass cutting machine can accurately control the cutting path. Its accuracy can reach millimeters or even micrometers, which can meet the cutting tasks of complex shapes and high precision requirements, and effectively reduce the workload of subsequent processing.

Avoid physical damage

Vibrational cutting by its characteristics will minimize damage in the internal fiber structure of the composite material by which it will not be likely to cause delamination or fiber breakage like ordinary cutting methods such as mechanical sawing, but will instead preserve the mechanical and physical properties of the composite material for higher quality and reliability of the product.

High cutting efficiency

The carbon fiber cutting machine has fast cutting speeds and can rapidly accomplish cutting operations over composite materials. Most certainly, during mass production, its very efficient cutting speed would save much on the production cycle and increase production rates. Moreover, it can be done continuously such that during cutting, the pause time required can be reduced.

Strong adaptability

Can cut different types of composite materials. Whether carbon fiber composite material, glass fiber composite material, or other new hybrid types of composite materials, the carbon fibre cutting machine manages to adapt by controlling the parameters. It can also process composites of different thicknesses on very thin composite sheets up to thicker, more structural components.

fiberglass cloth

carbon fiber cloth


fiberglass board


Easy to operate

carbon fiber cutting machine setting

Machine settings

Power on the prepreg cutting machine and ensure that all systems and components work well.

Enter the cutting parameters on the control interface. For example, the cutting speed is usually set at 30 meters per minute.

The cutting depth needs to be precisely adjusted to ensure complete cutting without damaging the workbench surface.

carbon fiber cutting machine drawings

Drawings import

Import the CAD files of carbon fiber parts into the control system of the prepregs cutting machine. The software will automatically parse the graphic information and convert it into the motion path instructions of the cutting head.

The control system optimizes the imported path. Ensure a smooth transition of the tool head motion trajectory to avoid affecting the cutting effect and efficiency due to unnecessary lifting and lowering of the knife.

Fix the material

Use a vacuum adsorption device to firmly fix the carbon fiber material on the workbench. The vacuum adsorption method is that the vacuum pump draws a vacuum through the air holes opened on the surface of the workbench. The negative pressure formed makes the carbon fiber fit closely to the table surface, avoiding movement during the cutting process and can flatten the uneven material, ensuring the accuracy of the cut piece. The advantages are fast and uniform fixation without damaging the surface of the material.

carbon fiber cutting machine cutting


Start the carbon fiber cutting machine, and the vibrating cutter head starts to move along the preset path under the drive of the control system. The cutter head enters the carbon fiber in a high-frequency vibration state for cutting. The vibration frequency causes the blade to reciprocate up and down quickly in the vertical direction. This small amplitude vibration combined with the horizontal advancement of the cutter head along the cutting path, effectively reduces the cutting resistance.


Applications of prepregs cutting machine


Aerospace industry:

The composite carbon fiber is used in widespread applications such as fuselage parts, wings, tail, and other structural parts because it is of very high strength, and possesses low density. It cuts very complex contours and shapes accurately as it has to meet high precision requirements and is free from delamination or thermal damage that may be caused by traditional cutting methods, ensuring material performance and structural strength.


Automobile manufacturing:

The obsession for lightweight and high-performance vehicles brought carbon fiber in bulk on parts like the body, hood, door, chassis, etc., within manufacturing industries. The fiberglass cutting machine can cut carbon fiber sheets and prepregs fast and accurately to satisfy the batch requirement of vehicle production, achieving smooth and neat cutting edges without secondary processing, thus improving the efficiency of production and quality of products.


Sporting goods

High-end bicycles usually use carbon fiber frames and components to reduce weight and improve performance. Carbon fiber materials are also widely used in racket products such as tennis and badminton. fiberglass cutting machines can cut complex shapes and precise component sizes to meet the strict requirements of sporting goods manufacturers for product quality and performance while improving production efficiency and material utilization.


Wind power generation

The windmill blades are normally made of carbon fiber reinforced composite materials, to increase the strength and rigidity of blades at low weights. Carbon fiber cutting machines can quickly cut large blade components to produce finished blades in just a few minutes.



CNC oscillating knife cutting machines have proved their worth in the field of composite processing and have effectively solved many of the issues hitherto existing in the composite processing area. As their importance and continued widening in the application footprint grow, alongside further improvement in precision and quality requirements on processing, the vibration knife cutting machines will be taking on an increasing role in future industrial production, and their technology will also continue to be improved and developed to create more conveniences and innovations within the industry of composite material processing.

Jinan Shilai Technology Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in the R&D and production of oscillating knife cutting machines.

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