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CNC Oscillating Vibration Knife Cutting Machine for Printing Materials

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CNC Oscillating Vibration Knife Cutting Machine For Printing Materials

Nowadays, the application of printing materials is more and more extensive, and many materials need to print different patterns and shapes according to needs, but how to accurately and quickly cut printing materials has become a problem.

CCD position cutting

The oscillating knife cutting machine with CCD camera is mainly used in the advertising industry, and packaging industry, such as car stickers, KT board, printed cartons, and other materials.

The CNC oscillating knife cutting machine recognize the position of the mark point, to achieve accurate positioning cutting. Therefore, the producer is required to print a mark point on the four corners of the material when printing a pattern, and the mark point can be a circle, a cross, or a right angle, and the most important thing is to have a one-to-one external contour vector diagram corresponding to the printed figure, to achieve accurate positioning and cutting.


The advantage of the vibration knife cutting machine is that it has high accuracy and is not affected by the tensile deformation of the material, and the ccd will scale and stretch the corresponding cutting drawing according to the actual position of the mark point. The disadvantage is that there are certain technical requirements for the operator to add mark points and generate an external contour vector.

Camera edge cutting

Th vibrating knife cutting machine with digital camera is mainly used in the carpet industry, and home textile industry. Such as printed carpet, printed wallcloth wallpaper, and other materials.

CCD edge cutting captures the material on the machine platform by an industrial camera, extracts the outer outline of the printed pattern and automatically generates a cutting path for cutting. This requires that the printed figure must be printed with an obvious external outline, the line width can not be less than 1mm, and the graphics without an obvious external outline can only be cut through the template mode. Select a print pattern as the feature point, and then import the contour to be cut into the software, and then the oscillating cutting machine will take a picture to capture the feature point and cut according to the corresponding contour and retrograde.


The advantage of the CNC oscillating knife cutter is that it saves time and effort and is highly efficient. The disadvantage is that the calibration accuracy is high, and when the material is stretched, the template pattern is inaccurate, so it is strongly recommended to print the external outline line on the material.

Jinan Shilai Technology Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in the R&D and production of oscillating knife cutting machines.

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