Specializes in the R&D and production of CNC oscillating knife cutting machines
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CNC Oscillating Vibration Knife Cutting Machine

Views: 290     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-05-16      Origin: Site

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CNC Oscillating Vibration Knife Cutting Machine

Oscillating knife cutting machines uses high frequency vibration cutting blade up and down, more than ten thousand times per minute vibration, cutting efficiency is high. The oscillating knife cutting machine is suitable for carbon fiber, leather, PVC, glass fiber, fiber cotton, prepreg cloth, aramid fiber, ceramic fiber, XPE material, silk coil, silica gel, rubber, acrylic, KT board, and other materials.

What is the difference between the vibration knife cutting machine and the laser cutting machine?

Because laser cutting is done at high temperatures, there is a high chance of leaving a yellow or even black mark after cutting the fabric.

the maintenance of laser machines is necessary for water cooling. There is a risk of freezing and leakage.

Another disadvantage is that the smell is so strong that the environmental protection departments in many places only check it within three or two days.

Too thick materials will not cut through.

Vibrating knife cutting up and down vibration, tens of thousands of vibrations per minute, similar to the principle of the saw blade, but not serrated, will not produce powder, the vibration knife can be free to replace the head, according to different materials, you can choose a round knife, half cutter, drag knife, oblique cutting knife, milling knife and so on.

The vibrating knife cutting machine cut out of the finished product has a clean, smooth edge, and the size of the cut piece is accurate, odorless, more environmental protection,  soft and hard materials all can handle well.

It cuts twice as fast or more than a laser. It is also the first choice of many enterprises.

Jinan Shilai Technology Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in the R&D and production of oscillating knife cutting machines.

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