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KT Foam Sunboard Flatbed Digital Cutter Machine

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KT Foam Sunboard Flatbed Digital Cutter Machine

Applications of sunboard

KT board is a common advertising display and decoration material with a wide range of application scenarios.Including advertising, interior decoration, event layout, model production, artistic creation, house signage.

KT foam traditional cutting method

The traditional ways of cutting special-shaped KT boards are mainly laser cutting and electric heating cutting pen cutting.

The main drawback of cutting KT boards with electric heating cutting pens is the slow production efficiency. Although the cost is extremely low, the efficiency is also very low, and the cutting effect is completely controlled by human hands, so the cutting quality is uneven.

Although the cutting effect of the laser cutting machine is relatively better and the efficiency is relatively improved, the biggest disadvantage is the safety issue, it is easy to cause fire, and it also produces smoke, which is not environmentally friendly.

Advantage of KT foam cutting machine

The KT board cutting machine can choose oscillating knife and CCD camera, It can realize ordinary positioning cutting and visual positioning cutting for printed graphics.


The advantages of comparing laser cutting machines mainly lie in the following points:

1. The KT foam cutting machine has higher cutting efficiency

2. The sunboard cutting machine has more perfect cutting effect, the cutting edge is smooth and burr-free, and there will be no wavy lines caused by laser cutting.

3. Combining CCD visual positioning cutting can improve the accuracy of cutting.


4. The cutting process will not produce smoke or cause fire, making the cutting process safer and pollution-free.

5. The KT board cutting machine supports automatic loading and unloading system, reducing manual intervention and greatly improving production efficiency.

Jinan Shilai Technology Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in the R&D and production of oscillating knife cutting machines.

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