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Oscillating Knife Cutting Machine for Sofas Cover

Views: 305     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-11-16      Origin: Site

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Oscillating Knife Cutting Machine for Sofas

Do you produce small batches of furniture or cut according to customer requirements? Do you want to replace bulky and space consuming cardboard templates with digital cutting samples? Do you want to optimize material utilization?  Traditional sofa cutting techniques are simply unable to meet the customized needs of emerging markets, and face production management issues such as difficulty in recruiting cutting workers, high salary requirements, and high turnover rates, which seriously affect the product production process. The tablet digital cutting machine is your ideal cutting solution, which can be used for small batches or mass production of leather and fabric cutting, with precision and modularity.

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Challenges in sofa covers cutting

  • How to better meet the needs of small batch

  • How to meet multi style sofa customization and achieve fast delivery

  • How to solve the dependence of sofa cutting on labor and reduce labor costs

  • How to solve the difficulty of managing large quantities of templates? 

  • How to improve the utilization rate of materials and reduce the waste


Features of oscillating knife cutting machine

The vibration knife cutting machine adopts highfrequency tool rotation cutting technology and is equipped with an intelligent nesting system, feeding system, and marking tool, meeting the automatic and fast cutting needs of various sofa leather fabrics

Compared with laser machines, the processing speed is faster, the cutting surface is smooth, the material will not be burnt, and there is no smoke or dust generated during the entire processing process, making it more environmentally friendly;

An intelligent nesting system that can be customized for sofas to quickly change size, integrate multiple styles, and nest quickly, improving work efficiency and material utilization;

Equipped with an intelligent correction feeding system, it achieves precise conveying and automated cutting of sofa fabrics, which can be operated by only one person;

Multiple processing tools can be used in combination to achieve sofa cutting, punching, marking, and other processing needs at once.


rotary knife tool

The motor drives the blade to rotate rapidly, to quickly cut various woven and breathable fabrics, and the cutting speed can reach 1500mm/s, which is suitable for cutting various sofa fabrics.


oscillating knife tool

The high compressed air is adopted, the working pressure is around 0.8MPA, the amplitude is 10mm, can be used for multi-layer leather and fabric, to meet the small batch customized production


marking pen

Quickly punch holes, and mark the name of the cut and the suture line.



Advantages of digital cutting machine

1. The digital cutting machines are environmentally friendly, have no pollution gas, and no harm to workers.

2. The Digital cutting machine can induce drafts separately and easily cuts small pieces.

3. The platform detection device regulates the knife pressure, enabling a level platform and perfect cutting.

4. The Digital plotter cutter can realize high efficiency without making a high-cost knife model.

5. Flatbed digital cutter is designed for production with small quantities and can save on costs while ensuring speed and accuracy.

Jinan Shilai Technology Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in the R&D and production of oscillating knife cutting machines.

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