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Oscillating Knife Cutting Machine In Automotive Interior Industry

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Oscillating Knife Cutting Machine In Automotive Interior Industry

The automotive interior industry is a large market for oscillating knife cutting machines. Because many products of automotive interiors are processed by the vibration knife cutting machine. Such as leather fabrics for seats, sponges in seats, roof fabrics, sunroof curtains, foot mats, sound insulation cotton on the engine compartment and chassis, engine and gearbox seals, car clothes, car films, steering wheel covers, decorative car stickers, etc.



The reason why vibrating knife cutting machines can be widely used in the automotive interior industry is flexibility.

First of all, the place of use is flexible. The oscillating cutting machine is not large in size, the voltage power is not high, the installation is also very simple, and the use process is environmentally friendly, healthy and pollution-free. Therefore, the requirements for the working environment are very low. Factories, basements, shops. Shopping malls, etc. can be installed and applied, and it is also very easy to transfer equipment. Therefore, many car washes, decoration shops, processing plants, etc. can directly install the machine.


Another is flexible operation. The CNC oscillating knife cutting machine is cut according to electronic graphics, and does not need to store auxiliary equipment such as knife molds. You only need to store the pattern drawings of various products in the computer. When customers need specific products, they only need to import the corresponding electronic drawings into the cutting machine, and the required products can be automatically cut.

Another is time flexibility. The vibrating knife cutting machine does not need to make a knife mold, so it simplifies the processing process and time. Many products can be processed and installed on site, so customers can quickly complete the decoration. This is very attractive to customers. In addition, on-site customization can also be completed quickly.


The vibrating cutting machine is a versatile cutting tool that can be installed with different cutting tools to cut different materials. So it can process a variety of materials in car interiors.

Vibration knife: suitable for cutting medium-density, airtight materials. The vibration motor drives the blade to move up and down to form a high-frequency sawing, which is suitable for cutting car mats, seat leather, steering wheel covers, etc.


Rotary knife: suitable for cutting soft and breathable materials. The cutting effect is not affected by the adsorption performance of the material. The motor drives the blade to rotate quickly to cut the material. It is used to cut seat fabrics, skylight curtains, insulation cotton, roof fabrics and other materials.


Drag knife: The blade of this knife is fixed, without vibration and rotation, and is mainly used to cut film materials, such as car covers, car films, car stickers, etc.

Pneumatic knife: used for cutting multi-layer materials, such as cloth, leather, sponge, etc. Multi-layer cutting can improve work efficiency and meet customers' mass production.

Jinan Shilai Technology Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in the R&D and production of oscillating knife cutting machines.

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