Specializes in the R&D and production of CNC oscillating knife cutting machines
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PET Felt Acoustic Panel CNC Cutting And Grooving Machine

Views: 526     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-03-22      Origin: Site

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PET Felt Acoustic Panel CNC Cutting And Grooving Machine

PET felt is a popular choice for soundproofing because it is dense, flexible, and can be easily installed. It can be used to absorb sound waves and prevent them from spreading throughout a space. It is effective at blocking airborne noise and preventing sound from traveling through the wall. PET felt can be used to create decorative acoustic panels that can be mounted on walls or ceilings. These panels have different colors to match the decor of a room and help absorb sound while adding visual appeal.


The PET panel cutting machine is a versatile tool that can be used to cut and groove various materials, including acoustic panels. The PET felt cutting machine works by oscillating a knife blade back and forth rapidly, creating precise and intricate cuts in the material. When cutting acoustic panels, the oscillating knife cutting machine typically follows these steps:

The panel is placed securely on the machine's work table.

The blade is adjusted to the desired depth and width of the cut.

download the CAD drawings to the acoustic panel cutting machine and start the machine work. As the blade moves forward, it makes multiple passes over the panel, creating a clean and precise cut.

If desired, additional grooves can also be created using specialized tools attached to the acoustic felt cutting machine. These tools allow for more intricate designs and patterns to be etched into the acoustic panel.


Overall, the oscillating knife cutting machine provides high accuracy and control, making it an ideal choice for cutting and grooving acoustic panels.

Jinan Shilai Technology Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in the R&D and production of oscillating knife cutting machines.

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