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Transparent PVC Tablecloth CNC Oscillating Knife Cutting Machine

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Transparent PVC Tablecloth CNC Oscillating Knife Cutting Machine

Application of transparent PVC

Transparent PVC has the advantages of heat resistance, cold resistance, aging resistance, pressure resistance, strong acid and alkali resistance, good light transmittance and long service life. It is widely used in the tabletop of restaurants in homes and commercial places.In the industrial field, it can also be used to cover the operating panel of the machine and equipment to prevent dust from damaging the instrument.


Advantages of PVC cutting machine

At present, most of the transparent PVC companies are still using auxiliary tools to cut by manual, manual cutting has a lot of disadvantages, which is why you need to choose the PCV CNC cutting machine.

1. Production efficiency: The PVC cutting machine is equipped with servo motors, and the running speed is extremely fast, which is far faster than the manual cutting speed. And the film cutting machine can also realize automatic feeding and continuous cutting, which greatly improves the production efficiency.

2. Cutting accuracy: The drive mode of the tablecloth cutting machine is rack drive, with servo systems, cutting precision is very high, and the soft pvc after cutting can perfectly fit the table size.


3. Special shaped cutting: This is also a very significant advantage, many tables are not regular square, but oval or rounded rectangle or even cloud shape, this special shape of the product can not be cut by manual cutting so standard. And the table cloth cutting machine can perfectly cut all kinds of shapes.


4. V CUT: Because the edges of Soft pvc are vertical, people will feel very prickly when they place their hands on the edge of the table. To cope with this, PVC cutting machines are equipped with the Vcut tool, which can be vcut on the outer outline of the finished product when cutting soft pvc, so that the finished product not only feels better but also more beautiful. This is also impossible to do manually.


5. Labor saving: Due to the high efficiency of the CNC PVC cutting machine, it can completely replace multiple employees, and only one person can be responsible for the operation of the entire machine, which greatly saves labor costs.

To sum up, cnc cutting machines are the perfect equipment for this industry. And with the continuous improvement of demand for production capacity, high efficiency and high quality in today's society, cnc cutting machine will also become a major trend in the soft pvc industry.

Jinan Shilai Technology Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in the R&D and production of oscillating knife cutting machines.

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