Specializes in the R&D and production of CNC oscillating knife cutting machines
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What's the CNC oscillating knife cutting machine

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What's the CNC oscillating knife cutting machine

The oscillating knife cutting machine is a type of industrial machine that is used to cut various materials such as leather, fabric, cardboard, and other flexible materials using a high-speed rotary blade or a high-frequency vibrate knife. The machine works by driving the blade to rotate or vibrate by a motor which creates a slicing action, resulting in clean and precise cuts.

CNC oscillating knife cutting machine

This machine is commonly used in industries such as packaging, automotive, aerospace, furniture making, and more. It has several advantages over traditional cutting methods such as faster cutting speeds, higher precision, reduced material waste and better overall efficiency.

The working principle of oscillating knife cutting machine is as follows:

1. The machine has a lifting system to hold the cutting tool, which contains the oscillating blades.

2. The material to be cut is placed on the machine table. the blade can be adjustable in height by the lifting system for different thicknesses of materials.

3. A motor drives the blade, causing it to rotate at high speed or vibrate at high frequency. This creates a slicing action, resulting in clean cuts.

4. The blades are designed to move in any direction, creating a continuous cutting path. As the motor works, the blades pass over the material, cutting through it with precision.

5. The machine may have additional features such as an air pump, vacuum system, or cooling system to help maintain the temperature of the blades and prevent heat buildup during operation.

6. The output is collected from the cutting area, which can be further processed or used as required.

Overall, the oscillating knife cutting machine is a highly efficient tool for cutting various materials quickly and accurately, thanks to its advanced design and powerful motor.

Jinan Shilai Technology Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in the R&D and production of oscillating knife cutting machines.

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